Head Bangers Candy Tongue Dye

Our partner from France

Confiserie du Nord

Confiserie du Nord is a family-run company with over 200 employees in northern France, which belongs to Sucralliance group. The company offers a wide range of self-produced confectionery that will delight the whole family. Confiserie du Nord covers over 10% of the total production in France with its 2 production sites, which makes the company a leading independent confectionery manufacturer and the third largest player in the French market.
With its “Head Bangers” brand, the manufacturer promises the sourest sweets on the market. All sweet mouths, for which lemon juice is too sweet, will have their taste buds explode!

Surprisingly different and therefore a perfect partner for us.

Website Confiserie du Nord

Our partner from France

Head Bangers – are you ready for sour?

Head Bangers are deliciously sour candies or chewy sweets that make you want more. The balls are tongue tinglers and bring fun to every child’s birthday party – you can stick your tongue out at everyone.

Request here
Head Bangers sour chewy candies

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